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Protected: 2024 in review

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Washington Post Highlights Maywood Response

In early March of 2020, I started organizing my neighborhood to help prepare for Covid-19. We ended up building a group of volunteers to get groceries, medications, and other supplies for high-risk neighbors. The effort was highlighted in the Washington Post: The brigadier general in the Virginia operation is Michele Hansen who moved into Maywood two years ago and runs a geocoding software company with her husband. Her sister is a nurse

The Harvey Twitter Rescue Map

During Hurricane Harvey, people who were in need of rescuing started tweeting out their addresses. Mathias and I built a tool that scraped address of Twitter. There were many other groups who built maps to coordinate rescues, and we cannot say for certain whether ours led to any rescues. The tool was mentioned in the Boston Herald, ABC-7 (WJLA Washington), and my hometown newspaper, the Tri-Town Transcript.