Talking about the reality of bootstrapping a SaaS while juggling a full-time job, marriage, and family. Listen: Build your SaaS
Interview: Bright & Early Podcast
Interview on the Bright & Early podcast about how we started Geocodio and how entrepreneurs can use customer interviews to grow their business.
Tips for Getting Useful User Feedback
On Monday, I gave a short attendee talk at MicroConf Growth on how to conduct user interviews and usability sessions. It was only twelve minutes, though, so I had to focus it on the key point: Getting useful user feedback is all about how you act. To find your user’s pain points (and in turn opportunities for your business), you need to make them feel comfortable being open and vulnerable with you. This means you
Conference Talk: MicroConf Growth 2019
Gave a 12 minute talk on customer interviews at MicroConf 2019. Notes Slides
Bootstrapping a Business: 5 Years In
Retrospective on 5 years of Geocodio at IndieHackers in January 2019. Read the original post on IndieHackers On January 21, 2014, Geocodio was officially launched into the world. By some miracle of luck, we landed on the front page of Hacker News for almost the whole day. In the pre-Product Hunt era, this was about as good as a launch could possibly go. The traffic surge quickly faded and not everyone had
Interview: Conquering the Glass Ceiling with Dr. Cortney Baker
In this episode of Conquering the Glass Ceiling, I sat down with Co-Founder of Geocodio, Michele Hansen. Michele and her husband created a software-as-a-service company that provides geocoding services. Michele has started many businesses and products over the years with friends and her husband. Her family has helped her throughout her entrepreneurial journey and start her current business. She has learned to figure out what customers really want and how to
Forbes: The Shocking Cost Of Daycare Propelled This Mom To Start A Business
When Michele Hansen and her husband started planning for the birth of their daughter, they quickly realized that to afford daycare at $24,000 per year, they were going to need an additional income stream. “Day care is more expensive than state college tuition in a majority of states, including the District of Columbia, where we lived,” said Hansen. “People are expected to come up with this chunk of money out
Getting Started with User Interviews in 3 Steps
It’s frustrating to look at your metrics and wonder why you have high dropoff, low conversion, or low engagement. Ultimately, there’s only so much digging you can do in Google Analytics or a spreadsheet before you need to try something different. Google Analytics will tell you that people are doing things. But it will never tell you why. It will never tell you their motivations, their frustrations, and what they’re trying to do.
Interview: Startup Pregnant
When Michele Hansen and her husband started planning for the birth of their daughter, they quickly realized that the high cost of daycare—a whopping $24K per year—was going to require an additional income stream. So, they created an app called Open Nearby as a side project. In the course of building that business, Michele and her husband uncovered a need in the market for geocoding software that translates addresses into