The other day, I got to thinking about how starting a company can be like playing bridge. I know I’m speaking to an extremely niche audience here—the Venn diagram overlap of entrepreneurs and bridge players is not particularly great—but hey, this is my blog, so bear with me. Solo bootstrapping is playing 1 NT. You look down at your hand and see you’ve got an Ace, King, Queen or Jack
Laravel Live Copenhagen 2024
I gave a talk at Laravel Live Copenhagen in August 2024 titled “An Unexpected Way to Become a More Valuable Developer.”
Business of Laravel Podcast
Mathias and I were on Matt Stauffer’s Business of Laravel podcast in July 2024. In this episode of the Business of Laravel podcast, host Matt Stauffer interviews Michele and Mathias Hansen, the founders of Geocodio, a SaaS that provides hassle-free geocoding, built with Laravel. They discuss their motivation for creating the service, born from their own need for reliable geocoding data, and explore the challenges and benefits of working together as a couple, including how their roles
MicroConf EU 2023
I gave the opening keynote at MicroConf EU 2023 in Lisbon, Portugal. My talk was titled “Sharpen Your Entrepreneurial Instincts: Frameworks for filtering ideas and identifying high-impact opportunities.” Videos of all of the talks from the conference are available for purchase here.
Full Stack Europe 2022
I gave a Deploy Empathy customer interviewing workshop and talk at Full Stack Europe 2022 in Antwerp, Belgium.
Deploy Empathy Podcast Book Tour
I’ve been on various podcasts talking about my book, Deploy Empathy, since its launch, including: SaaS Club Inside Intercom Indie Hackers Build Your SaaS UI Breakfast Startups for the Rest of US and more! You can listen to the full tour on the playlist below.
Inside Intercom Podcast
I was invited onto the Inside Intercom podcast to talk about customer interviews. Listen to the episode here.
Mind the Product: Hamburg
If you’ve ever had someone say to you in order to discredit the idea of UX research, “If Henry Ford had asked what people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses,” this talk is for you.
GOTO:Aarhus 2022
I gave a Deploy Empathy workshop and talk at GOTO:Aarhus 2022 in Aarhus, Denmark.